earth leaves its orbit


In short, You Die, ah..., I mean we all die!

Still wanna know how? Well, Join the party....!

An estimate states that 50% of the planets formed in a star system are ejected by the time the system matures but don't worry our sun is still in its teenage!

Well to leave Earth's orbit around the Sun would require some sort of external force, a push, or a pull.

First, let's make this clear,

Earth revolves around the sun in an orbit  ( well-defined paths on which all celestial bodies stay ), One complete revolution takes 365 days (1 year) 

and the distance between earth and moon is 151.32 million km

Earth is moving at a rate of 18.5 miles per second (although you don’t feel this) and it actually is falling towards the sun due to the sun's enormous gravity. However, the sheer velocity at which it is moving keeps it from crashing and destroying us all.


 The gravity of Sun == The Angular Velocity of Earth

This equilibrium changes when the earth's orbit changes.

Without any orbit, Earth would likely go crashing directly into the sun. That's because our planet's path around that big, bright star in the sky is what keeps Earth from being pulled indirectly by the sun's gravity.

So there are only two possible scenarios that could happen,

If the Earth moves to a smaller orbit than it now says 80 million km maybe then if it rotates with the same angular velocity ( speed ), then it would crash into the Sun 

Because The gravitational force is increased because of the decrease in the distance and would dominate over the centrifugal force.

Gravity increases == Velocity increases == Temperature increases

For the Earth to revolve around the Sun in a smaller orbit, it would have to move with an angular velocity Much faster than the existing one. But revolving around the Sun in smaller orbit can cause the planet to become warmer. 

Quite simply, depending upon its distance from the Sun, the Earth's temperature rises and you know what happens then. And also because of the high speed of rotation, a day will no longer be 24 hrs but lesser than that.

Sea level increases even worse ocean water may evaporate completely, Global warming will be the end of humanity.

Now if If the Earth moves to a bigger orbit but rotates with the same angular velocity, then it would receive a lesser amount of heat and light from the sun and the planet's core would eventually cool down, and the atmosphere deteriorates and life soon seizes to exist.

Gravity decreases == Velocity decreases == Temperature decreases

For the Earth to stay in a bigger orbit it would have to rotate with smaller angular velocity (much slower speed ). But as the sunlight received would be less intense the planet would eventually freeze over. 
On the plus side, we’d be younger age-wise as days will be longer than 24 hrs, as so the years!

But that's not our only problem,
Even the slightest shift in Earth's orbit would have a huge impact on the rest of the solar system. In a worse scenario, it could cause the planets to collide.
It also could throw off Earth's delicate positioning with Jupiter. Big brother Jupiter acts as a shield of sorts, deflecting harmful gases and asteroids that might otherwise make Earth as their playground.

Even the asteroid that struck the Earth near the Yucatan Peninsula approximately 65 million years ago, causing an explosion 500,000 times more powerful than the most powerful hydrogen bomb ever detonated on Earth (the insane Soviet Russian Tsar Bomba. It was a peanut in terms of orbital dynamics! (We probably owe our lives to that peanut, but that’s another story.)

Another possibility is that, let's suppose Earth flies straight away from the sun, as if the sun losses its gravity.

( For the ease of calculation, let’s assume that the Earth flies away, like, perpendicular to its original orbit )

The earth moves around the sun at a velocity of 30km s-1. Because we assume that earth flies away directly, it will reach the farther margin of the habitable zone within 12 days. Afterward, the average temperature will drop to 0 degrees.

After 127 days from the Expulsion, the Warth will arrive at the asteroid belt. Due to Earth’s tremendous gravity and the atmosphere, several minor collisions will occur and effectively wipe out remaining lives on Earth.

After asteroid belt nothing major will happen, but still…

Earth will remain as a planet,  but without any life form on it and will move around in galaxies as another motorist.

or, Earth may change its form and composition in all and becomes part of another galaxy.

The probability of such a catastrophe occurring in our life time is so astronomically [pun intended] low, that you can forget about it and sleep soundly tonight …

galaxy | space

The probability of humanity rendering the biosphere ( earth's environment ) uninhabitable is enormously higher. Indeed, there’s ample evidence that we’re already well on the way to doing just that. Sorry if this disturbs your beauty sleep, but 15,000 scientists have just warned the world that time is running out or has already run out.

In either of the cases, the scenario doesn't look good for us. For life to survive on the planet, it has to be in the 'Goldilocks Zone' also called the 'Habitable Zone', and 

thank God, we are!


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