* by the order of Peaky fooking Blinders!

A portrait of thomas shelby with his iconic peaked cap
Take a look at the image above. Do you know who that dude is? Thomas 'Fookin' Shelby is his name. Now take another look. No... don't read any further... have a good look at that image. Do you see that face? It's a face that says, "Fook you, I'm no didicoy bitch who'll roll over for you." You might as well be staring at an oncoming f*cking train because, if you stay in his way, he will fook your day up. 

Peaky Blinders is without a doubt the finest British TV drama of the last five years, and it's fair to assume that the majority of viewers believe that the show's protagonist, Thomas (Tommy) Shelby, to be a fascinating and confident figure. Cillian Murphy embodies the role so perfectly that he nearly outperforms it. Tommy has a lot to teach us, thanks to his charisma and self-confidence.

So, it felt timely to share with you some of his confidence hacks that you can utilize to drastically boost your self-confidence.

Disclaimer: We know Tommy is a violent gangster who smokes way too much and isn't the nicest person on the planet, so we'll just concentrate on the gestures, principles, and mannerisms that would make anybody appear confident, without judging his ideals or actions.

There are no spoilers ahead, so feel free to read on.


Always have a plan.

“You can change what you do, but you can’t change what you want.” – Tommy Shelby

If there is a single term to describe Thomas Shelby, it would be “Always ahead of the curve”. 

Fans of the program will recognize a familiar pattern: the Shelby family's lawlessness-fueled prosperity eventually unravels to the point of near catastrophe, before top man Thomas discloses his previously unknown strategy to maintain the gang of anti-heroes at the top of their criminal game.

The viewer is often left to decide how much of the implementation is down to chance and how much is largely attributable to meticulous planning and preparation, but it's obvious that Thomas Shelby's extreme planning, strategy, and insight make him appear extremely confident even when confronted with an adversary because he always has a plan.

If plan A fails go for plan B, plan C…. so on. The point is confidence comes automatically if you are well prepared.


Make your disadvantage your advantage

“Fortune drops something valuable into your lap; you don’t just dump it on the bank of the cut.” – Tommy Shelby

Tommy Shelby doesn't quite just make lemonade out of lemons, a phrase often used to represent making the most of a bad situation. What he does goes above and beyond that; he makes a terrible situation much better than it was before.

To massively improve your self-confidence, take advantage of unexpected opportunities that present themselves as problems in your life.

Time and time again throughout the seasons Thomas Shelby always finds a way to turn his enemies into allies or use them as his spy rather than seeing them as an obstacle to overcome, he sees them as a stepping stone.


Think big

“I’m not a traitor to my class. I am just an extreme example of what a working man can achieve.” – Tommy Shelby

Your insecurities are nothing compared to your dreams, so you might as well pursue them. 

Investing on a Derby winner? Selling barrels of home-brewed gin to prohibition-era America? Considering running for the seat of South Birmingham MP? When it comes to daring, show-stopping actions, the Shelby family does not hold back.

In order to be confident you have to think big and don’t let your doubts and insecurities hold you back from achieving great things.  Don’t fall prey to the what-if syndrome!


Know your strengths

"I Think, Arthur. That's What I Do. I Think. So That You Don't Have To." – Tommy Shelby

Every member of the Shelby family, whether Thomas (Head of Strategy), Arthur (Chief Enforcer), Polly (Voice of Reason), or the others, has a distinct job to do.

So, in order to possess confidence, understand who you are, identify your strength and weakness, what are your goals and motives, what is your potential, and never trust your fears they don’t know your strength.


Make the right partnerships.

I have made arrangements with men I trust. If I should die, then you will die, know that. – Tommy Shelby

The Shelbys are skilled at forming the correct partnerships to accomplish their sinister ambitions, teaming up with a variety of wicked guys ranging from Alfie Solomons to Aberama Gold depending on the situation.

Likewise, Surround yourself with people who give you confidence. Many of us find the confidence to be a difficult thing to achieve. We're under the impression that we don't have enough. Feeling like an impostor. Worrying about whether or not we're good enough. Fear of putting ourselves out there.

One approach to help retain, and even enhance, your confidence is to surround yourself with positive individuals.


Leverage negotiation skills

You don’t parley when you’re on the back foot. – Tommy Shelby

Take a look at this scene from season 1 episode 2: 

When Tommy starts the conversation, he demonstrates several crucial negotiating tactics. First, he warns Inspector Campbell of the consequences of failing to reach an agreement.

He also draws a picture of the benefits he may gain if he accepts. Tommy achieves this by reminding Campbell that they may be on the same side. This instantly gives him the upper hand.

By improving your negotiation skills, you improve your self-confidence.

Even the most accomplished Administrators can experience a lack of confidence or get uneasy while engaging in a negotiation. If you can master the art of negotiation, it can easily project you as a confident individual.


Stand up for yourselves

The only way to guarantee peace is by making the prospect of war seem hopeless.” – Tommy Shelby

Tommy and his pals definitely have the self-respect to stand up for what they believe in, regardless of who they are or where they came from.

Obviously, I don't recommend slapping your Chief Exec in the face with a razor-sewn hat the next time they ask for anything dumb, but if individuals are receiving ridiculous demands for work, it's crucial to be firm in saying no – rather than submitting to their will.

Stop thinking less of yourself and work on improving your self-esteem. Learn to respect yourself. Sometimes self-confidence comes when we stop overthinking and trust our intuition.


He doesn’t give a f*ck

"It’s Not a Good Idea to Look at Tommy Shelby the Wrong Way." – Tommy Shelby

Tommy Shelby is smart enough to come up in a society when at that time period gypsys didn’t. He is the person he is because of what he does. If he didn't, he'd be working for another Tommy Shelby

Tommy Shelby understands that you'd be a fool to allow other people's opinions stop you from pursuing your goals. Tommy is well aware of this and is unconcerned about other people's feelings.

Instead of worrying about what people might think of you, if you want to be self-confident, you must feel that you are deserving of respect, friendship, and attention. You must concentrate on what makes you unique and excellent at what you do, and simply try to accept yourself for not being flawless in each and every way.

Build confidence by setting goals and then achieving them rather than gauging your confidence based on others' opinions of you.


Sense of responsibility. 

I can fucking be scared and carry on. – Tommy Shelby

Tommy lives amid the terrible times of Great Britain. Confident requires taking on responsibilities, something most people are apprehensive about.

He commands his whole family as well as his business partners, and he is not afraid to lead and make choices. He is a doer who expects respect from his family, his neighbors, and even the law.

You gain self-confidence when you commit to taking personal responsibility for your life and work. It's a win-win situation. Your self-confidence improves as you take on additional responsibilities.


Man of his word. 

“Whiskey is good proofing water. It tells you who’s real and who isn’t.” — Tommy Shelby

What does it mean to "keep your word"? Essentially, it's doing what you say you'll do.

Thomas Shelby is a man of his word. To maintain his word, he married Grace instead of May Carleton.

Honoring your commitments (no matter how little) over time will help you build an excellent reputation for dependability, reliability, and trustworthiness. This, in turn, may aid in the development and deepening of your self-confidence.


Be Calm under stress

“When you plan something well, there’s no need to rush.” – Tommy Shelby

Inner strength and self-confidence come from a calm mind.

Tommy is mysterious and enigmatic, and he understands when to keep quiet. In most conflicts, he is fairly unreactive. He makes no flinching, fidgeting, or scratching noises. All of these are signals of nervousness and uncertainty, and as a result, whatever impression of power you are attempting to establish will be shattered. When coping with high-stress events or dangers, the practice of remaining motionless. Tommy Shelby is a master at the long game.

How Do You Stay Calm When You're Under Pressure?

If you're properly prepared, you'll be less likely to tense up. Continue to practice as much as you can and rehearse whenever you can, whether alone or in front of people.

"I've got this!" you should convince yourself. "I'm ready to go!" or "This is gonna be a lot of fun!"

Finally, don't get too riled up! Don't be frightened or overwhelmed by the sensation. Allow it to exist. Remind yourself that it's normal.


Don’t be a people pleaser

“If they want you, you will feel it, not question it.” – Tommy Shelby

Don't allow anybody to convince you that they can take advantage of you. Tommy Shelby understands the importance of making it apparent to others how he expects to be treated. 

He makes it obvious from the start that he will not tolerate anybody who opposes him. And he constantly reminds everyone of this by establishing firm (brutal) limits.

It's time to create your own (less violent) boundaries! Know how to speak out and express your thoughts and emotions. Stop worrying about bothering others...

But, politely and confidently hold your stance!


You can’t change the past

She’s in the past. The past is not my concern. The future is no longer my concern, either. – Tommy Shelby

She’s in the past. The past is not my concern. The future is no longer my concern, either.– Tommy Shelby

It's pointless to linger on the past. Tommy Shelby has been through a number of difficult and traumatic incidents in his life. But then he gets back up and continues on his way.

You should, too.

Stop blaming your present situation on your past. Instead, be sure you're not going to live the same life the next day.

Embrace your past without remorse, confidently manage your present, and fearlessly confront your future.


Remember where you come from

“I’m not a traitor to my class. I am just an extreme example of what a working man can achieve.” – Tommy Shelby

Tommy understands that he is intended for more than laboring at a factory day in and day out and barely scraping by.

If you don't want your background to define you, don't let it. You should be conscious that as you progress in society, you do not have to conceal your origin.

Tommy stays true to his Gypsy heritage. He's even taught it to his kid.

Don't allow your lifestyle limits you in social settings. Be proud of who you are and where come from as it improves your self-confidence.


You’ve got nothing to lose

“The one minute. The soldier’s minute. In a battle, that’s all you get. One minute of everything at once. And anything before is nothing. Everything after, nothing. Nothing in comparison to that one minute.” - Thomas Shelby

Thomas Shelby is a guy who came dangerously near to death during the war but survived, thus his perspective is basically “after all I’ve got nothing to lose, why not give it a try?”

You can never lose something you don't have. To cope with emotions and nervousness in social situations, imagine you're simply having a good time with your buddies. You will feel more at peace and consequently more at ease in your own skin.


Learn to use State Breaking Questions

You have to get what you want your own way. – Tommy Shelby

Thomas Shelby is a specialist when it comes to using state-breaking questions. Whenever someone attempts to intimidate him, he manipulates the discussion by interrupting the other person's speech and introducing a new question that has nothing to do with the conversation at all. This approach diverts the other person's attention away from its intended goal and puts him on the defensive.

Interestingly, while Tommy wields power, he does not allow others to deflect it with their own state-breaking inquiries. Rather of responding, he merely continues on his own path.

So, bear this in mind whenever the circumstance seems to be unfavorable: asking an apparently unrelated question allows you to recover control of the situation and appear more confident.


Take your time to react

Pain changes people. It makes them trust less. Overthink more, and shut people out. – Tommy Shelby

This is mostly a political tactic. Hear me out: Thomas Shelby never gives clear answers to the questions posed to him. He begins by narrating a tale, which he subsequently relates to the issue posed, then provides his finest response and silences the other person.

As a result, start influencing the discussion until you find the right response. That will greatly impress them, as you will seem confident and knowledgeable at the same time.


Master your body language

“Walk like a king or like you don’t give a fuck who’s the king.” – Tommy Shelby

Tommy Shelby has perfected the skill of nonverbal communication. He takes control of every room he enters and every conversation he has, in a matter of seconds. 

To accomplish the same, you must first grasp the fundamentals of body language. He does not cross his arms in front of his body as a protective gesture.

Your posture and demeanor should exude confidence.

Body language has a significant impact. And what's even more amazing is that most individuals aren't even aware of how their body language impacts them.


Dress to infuse respect

I don’t pay for suits. My suits are on the house or the house burns down. – Thomas Shelby

Own the fookin place! Tommy Shelby is one well-dressed gentleman.

He's been the same since season one when he didn't have enough money to spend on costly suits, all the way up to now, as he's in politics and wearing the most exquisite items available.

Wearing the appropriate attire may boost your self-confidence on a daily basis! Wear clothing that matches your body shape, colors that complement your skin tone, and outfits that make you feel good.


Don’t show your emotions

Everyone’s a whore, Grace. We just sell different parts of ourselves. – Tommy Shelby

Everyone’s a whore, Grace. We just sell different parts of ourselves.– Tommy Shelby

Thomas Shelby is a slow-to-anger person who has never been influenced emotionally by others.

Maintain a minimal level of anxiety and emotional responses. Tommy understands how to bide his time and be extremely patient with himself, in both what he says and with what he does, and this is a really useful advantage, not only in terms of self-confidence.

This, in our opinion, is what divides a deeply insecure individual from a confident one. The first hurries to respond, fumbles and stammers, and often needs to correct himself. Tommy Shelby, on the other hand, does not.

He looks at the person who asked the question, almost as if daring them to prod him for a response. After some time passes, he answers. (Sometimes).


Speak clearly

Today it will be me dead. Or you. But whoever it is, he’ll wake up in hell tomorrow. – Tommy Shelby

Tommy pauses before responding, and when he does, he speaks slowly and clearly. So, when you talk, speak clearly and gently. You don't want to hurry your speaking any more than you want to rush into speaking.

Speaking slowly and clearly helps you seem more confident and trustworthy, and it also affects how you feel. It not only makes you feel more confident, but it also allows you some time to think about what you're going to say next.


Do not be afraid of eye contact

And those I can’t charm; I can kill with my own hands. – Tommy Shelby

Because it conveys confidence, eye contact is a crucial non verbal social signal.

Thomas Shelby also stares people in the eyes and moves slowly and precisely.

He stares at his adversaries as if he doesn't fear them, and he looks at his friends as if he knows their innermost secrets. It's not only his beautiful blue eyes that make him strong; it's the simple act of staring people in the eyes.

With his gaze, he declares, "I'm here, and I'm not frightened for you to see me." That is exactly the secret to being self-assured – not being concerned about how others see you.


Don't dwell on setbacks

Those of you who are last will soon be first. And those of you who are downtrodden will rise up. – Tommy Shelby

Setbacks may undermine your self-esteem and make it difficult to maintain an optimistic attitude.

When something unpleasant occurs and his intentions are thwarted, Tommy does not only not react (at least not overtly), but he also does not linger on it.

As soon as he notices a problem, he begins to consider possible solutions.


Despite the fact that he isn't a great role model and that the show romanticizes criminals, Thomas is resourceful and never lets his fear show. It's more his outward look, ideals, and mannerisms that make him seem highly confident.

These self-confidence tips are difficult to replicate in real life since, after all, it is a written play that does not account for the spontaneity of real life, but it is something that, with a little practice and thinking, can be converted into a very strong skill set.

Also, there are outstanding writers, costume designers, and photographers to get the most out of his performance, resulting in the most alpha, nearly indestructible, wonderfully depicted Thomas Shelby that we know.

So, the next time whenever you have a moment of self-doubt, ask yourself, "What would Thomas Shelby do?"

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