CLICHE - something that is overused and lacks originality

Without any cliché intro, let's dive in.....


1.     No matter what the situation; zombie apocalypse, nuclear holocaust, female characters always find time to remove unwanted body hair.

bryce dallas howard in jurassic world
Universal Studios

2.     Professors only ever reach the main point of their lecture right at the end of class.

3.     Women are transformed from unattractive geek to hot babe simply by removing their glasses and wearing their hair down.

4.     Breakfast is always a bite of toast and 2 gulps of orange juice before dashing out the door.

5.     Defibrillation best performed by waving the paddles in the air first then rubbing them together before putting them anywhere near the patient's chest.

6.     The curtains of hospital cubicles are soundproof. So, not only is the devastating news the doctor is about to tell you / your loved one inaudible to anyone outside, nor can you hear anything else that might be going on outside - phones ringing, other people …

7.     Supervillains only commit crimes in the same city a superhero lives.

Heath Ledger as Joker in DarkKnight Rises
Warner bros.

8.     When aliens say “Earth” they really mean the USA.

9.     The Eiffel Tower is visible from every window in Paris.

10.  Coughing generally indicates a terminal disease.

11.  Cab drivers never tell passengers the cost of the ride, notes are passed over but no change is ever given.

12.  After talking on the phone, hanging up silently without saying goodbye.

13.  Computer hacking always involves lots of green text and a guy in a band T-shirt.

14.  When the good guy gets attacked by a group of bad guys, they sportingly attack him one at a time.

15.  If there’s a token Asian the character will know martial arts.

Daniel woo and Alicia Vikander in Tomb Raider (2018)
Warner bros.

16.  After waking up from a nightmare the person will sit bolt upright, sweating.

17.  It is perfectly simple to resuscitate someone with a few half-hearted pushes on the chest as long as you tell them you love them.

18.  If someone needs to start their car in a hurry, it will NEVER start the first time.

19.  When women wake up in the morning their make up never makes them look like a panda that’s been in a fight with birds nest hair.

20.  Also, women can always run whether they are wearing Hunter Wellies or Jimmy Choos.

21.  In any given war film a soldier who has something personal like a photo or a locket of his loved one will die. She will either be pregnant or have just had a baby.

22.  People on desert islands can make anything from bamboo.

23.  Explosive devices will always feature a countdown timer.

Explosive device with a countdown timer.

24.  You can knock someone out using blunt force trauma, but never cause any significant injury to save temporary loss of consciousness.

25. A character in every movie who'll be like "WAIT! I CAN EXPLAIN!" - and then proceeds to do everything except explain.


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