50 incredible science facts to impress your friends

Why don’t more people appreciate science? 

Personally, I believe it has something to do with science communication and the way we teach science in our schools. With this in mind, here are 50 amazing scientific facts that I hope will inspire you to learn something new every day — they’ve certainly done so for me. 

However, this the list is much too short; keep it growing by adding your own science facts in the comments section.

Lets Start..................

  • Women represent 17% of researchers in mathematics, 18% in physics, 19% in engineering sciences, and 31% in chemistry.
A Girl with a Shocking Reaction
  • Only two letters don’t appear in the periodic table, It’s the letters J and Q. Go ahead and double-check.
  • Earth’s oxygen is produced by the ocean.
  • Ever stopped to think where oxygen comes from? Your first thought may be a rainforest, but marine organisms take the bait. Plankton, seaweed, and other photosynthesizers produce over half of the world’s oxygen.
  • Oxygen has a color, As a gas, oxygen is odorless and colorless. In its liquid and solid forms, however, it looks pale blue.
  • Until the 1960′s, the only reliable pregnancy test was to inject a woman’s urine into a female African clawed frog. If the woman was pregnant, the frog would ovulate within 12 hours.
  • About 65 billion neutrinos will pass through your fingernail in a second.
  • Theoretical Time Machine - Two physicists developed a mathematical model for a time machine based on Einstein’s theory of relativity but What’s holding us back is that the technology that can physically bend this space-time fabric hasn’t been invented yet.
Time Piece

  • A medium-sized cumulus cloud weighs about the same as 80 elephants.
  • A single bolt of lightning contains enough energy to cook 100,000 pieces of toast.
  • There are 8 times as many atoms in a teaspoonful of water as there are teaspoonfuls of water in the Atlantic ocean.
  • If the Sun were the size of a beach ball then Jupiter would be the size of a golf ball and the Earth would be as small as a pea.
  • If you could drive your car straight up you would arrive in space in just over an hour.
  • More germs are transferred shaking hands than kissing.
  • The human brain takes in 11 million bits of information every second but is aware of only 40.
  • The strongest creatures on Earth are gonorrhea bacteria. They can pull 100,000 times their own body weight.
  • One in ten European babies is conceived in an IKEA bed. (Not much science in this one, but funny enough to know :))
  • Males produce one thousand sperm cells each second – 86 million each day.
  • Human saliva contains a painkiller called opiorphin that is six times more powerful than morphine.
  • Girls have more taste buds than boys.
  • A pig’s orgasm lasts for 30 minutes.
  • Koalas sleep an average of 22 hours a day, two hours more than the sloth.
The Great Barrier Reef
  • Octopuses have three hearts.
  • At over 2000 kilometers long The Great Barrier Reef is the largest living structure on Earth.
  • The name of the first human being in Norse mythology is Ask.
  • The Queen is the legal owner of one-sixth of the Earth’s land surface
  • Biologically speaking, bugs are insects that “suck”.
  • The average temperature of the universe is 2.73 K (-270°C). The universe was super hot but it has cooled to such a level.
  • If you put Saturn on the water it will float. Saturn is made of gas and is lighter than water.
  • Gravity on the moon is 1/6 of earth. So if you weight 60 kg on earth, you will weight 10 kg on the moon.
  • First Artificial Intelligence Victim - Tom (not a joke).
  •  If you add 250 ml of alcohol and 250 ml of water, the resultant mix will be 480 ml. It is because of the close bonding between water and ethanol molecules.
  • If you put a spoonful of water in a bucket of water it will get dissolved like salt. Confused? Ask in a comment. The chemist knows the reason.
  • There is a formula to calculate the number of alien species in the universe. In one estimation the number came out as 17,000.
  • The apple and feather will fall on the ground at the same time if dropped from the same height. Confused?

  • There is a 4000 years old rock in Saudi Arabia called A1-Naslaa which appears to be cut in half with laser-like precision. Till now nobody knows how it happened. Some say that ancient civilization may have been more advanced than our history books tell us. The exact reason is still unknown!
  • Is there living proof of evolution? Look at Glass lizard. Once it had walking legs, now these are vestigial organs or useless.
  • Time slows down near the pyramid due to its heavy mass. Theoretically, if you are near the pyramid, people will seem to be moving faster who are far from the pyramids.
  • According to a theory, the sum of natural numbers is -1/12 i.e 1+2+3+4+5+…………infinite = -1/12.
  • There is also a concept of the liquid telescope. Here mercury is rotated in a constant angular speed in a container. The mercury attains the shape of the parabola and reflects light by some 80%.
Percentage of share of human DNA in various Organisms
  • Sleep is not real - There is a conspiracy that sleep isn’t real, there are people who believe that our soul leaves our body when we sleep and travel to our actual destinations. It is believed that the dreams we remember are just with things you actually did when your soul was out!
  • How much DNA Humans share with other organisms:
    • The Earth is a giant magnet.
    • According to the laws of physics, a planet's shape of a donut can exist.
    • The core of a star reaches 16 million degrees Celsius. A grain of sand this hot would kill you/someone from 150 kilometers away.
    • Ancient astronomy was almost as advanced as it is now.
    • “Sphenopalatine ganglion neuralgia” is the scientific term for brain freeze. So the next time you get a brain freeze to try telling your friends you got “sphenopalatine ganglion neuralgia,” if you can pronounce it. I sure as hell can’t
    • $80,000 Cost Meteorite.
    • NWA 7034’ is a Martian meteorite that costs about $80,000!
    • The known universe is made up of 50,000,000,000 galaxies.
    • Astronomers thought that there is another planet between sun and mercury called Vulcan. People still search for it.
    • What makes this meteorite special is that it contains trapped water derived from oceans that used to exist on Mars about 4 billion years ago!
    Sun looks white coloured from space
    • The Actual Color Of Sun - It is a common misconception that the sun is yellow or orange. The real color of the sun is white. 
    • Humans accidentally created a protective bubble around Earth.
    • Decades of use of very low frequency (VLF) radio communications have resulted in an artificial cocoon that could help protect the planet from solar flares and radiation particles.
    • It is theoretically possible to travel back and forth in time.
    • while you watching this video, the earth already traveled 900 km.

    That's it for today, I keep on updating this post whenever I find something interesting fact worth sharing. If anyone have confusion and require a detailed explanation for any of the fact, please ask in comment.

    Will add more. As always thanks for reading. Have a great day!

    Please let me know which fact you learned today. We will be happy to get your feedback.

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