I regretted……..

A while ago, I was thinking back on my life and what I had done (and not done). And do you know what was the one thing I realized I regretted.

low of attracton vision board

It's good when you have people around you from time to time, but, the fact is, you are not anyone else's priority but your own. You might matter to a few people for some time, but, not always. People change, priorities change, situations change and everything changes. 

Here are 

      I.   MONEY MATTERS… Money does buy happiness it’s just how you spend it determines whether or not you will be happy. Material possessions are not necessarily a key to that happiness but money gives you freedom.

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   II.     To succeed in life, you have to be either an influential person or a manipulative person.

 III.      Everybody wears a mask. People, in general, are selfish and manipulative for many reasons. It doesn’t have to be for financial reasons alone.

 IV.      Wishing things were different is a great way to torture yourself.

   V.     The Internet is a fantasy world where people are good at giving advice.

 VI.      Pareto principle works all the time in any situation. The Pareto principle states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.

VII.      Love in the first site is trash.

VIII.     You're f+cking ON YOUR OWN. No one will fight your battle for you.

 IX.      In 20’s better focus on your career rather than on love, because most of the times it is a mere attraction and you lose track of your lives, wasting your time on bullshit.

   X.     The more you say “f+ck it” and do the things you want to do, the less anxious and more confident you will feel.

Quote - Your Attitude Defines You

 XI.    Depressed people are the ones who console others and tell them not to give up on their lives. This really hits hard.

XII.    The one with gold always makes the rule.

XIII.   Things You own ends up owning You!

XIV.    Those who love others with their whole heart are always taken for granted.

XV.     Silent people have so much to say but no one is willing to listen to them.

XVI.    Do not completely depend on others for any help. Try to fix your problems on your own. If not, seek the help of a professional.

XVII.   No one appreciates the efforts you put in, in the end, what matters is the result. If you succeed they follow you, if not, no one cares…..

XVIII. Everyone judges you in their first sight. Understand everyone is a human and unless they know you well, they all going to judge you no matter what.

XIX.   'Time heals everything'…No, it doesn't, maybe our memory fades.

XX.     Most of the youngsters face depression and anxiety, but the harsh fact is no one notices them.

Quote - You can’t change other people and it’s rude to try.

XXI.   You can’t change other people and it’s rude to try.

XXII.  In this capitalistic world, listen to what your brain says, your heart is a fool.

XXIII. Most people will neglect the hard work and scroll through this blog without appreciating it ;).

XXIV.  Nowadays relationship is more like a show-off trend. Your circle thinks if you are in a relationship with someone, you are cool.

XXV. part of society admires film stars and celebrities as their role models ( u can check their Instagram followers) but a very few of them admire real role models (eg: Mukesh Ambani and Jack Ma).

XXVI. Equality is bullshit.No one is equal, nobody is treated equally

XXVII.What all you see on social media( posts, stories, tweets, etc) is over-exaggerated. The truth is something else. 

XXVIII.To write someone off as worthless is an act of great violence. Never underestimate anyone. 

XXIX.The only way you will ever be able to overcome your deep fear is to face it and embrace it.

XXX. Whenever you hate something (people or situations), it hates you back.

XXXI.One thing between you and the guy who can easily pick up girls, start a successful business, get good grades and rank higher promotions is your “FEAR of failure”

Quote - There are two kinds of future concern: desire and fear. They together create a perfect hell.

XXXII.There are two kinds of future concern: desire and fear. They together create a perfect hell.

XXXIII.There is no way that you will fail, because either you will reach successor die trying. So I say rather spend your entire life chasing the life you desire than settle for less and be unhappy with the way I live. Finally, remember this,

You are not your money,

your reputation,

your contacts,

your job

Your Attitude toward life defines you,

Your what your thoughts, ideas, you’re what you do not what you have!

Do what you would wish you had done if you were to die right now.

“One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it is worth watching.” ― Gerard Way

Have a Great Life :)



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