Science is an ever-expanding and changing collection of information. New discoveries or studies regularly cause prior views to be revised, and in some circumstances, they are completely discredited. This article, which covers space, nature, technology, engineering, elementary mathematics, chemistry, physics, and biology, will convince you that science is more than what you study in school.

These 100+ amazing scientific facts will astonish you. We purposefully chose facts that are weird enough to make people exclaim, "Huh, they actually spent time researching that," yet easy enough to use in a friendly debate. At the very least, the vast majority of them.

Quick Facts

  • Every minute, there are 2,000 thunderstorms on Earth. ⛈️
  • Saturn's rings are made up of trillions of circling ice fragments. 🪐
  • Our noses and ears are never finished developing. 🥸
  • Tomatoes are a type of fruit, while watermelons are a type of berry! 🍅
  • At 2.17K, helium becomes a 'superfluid.' 🥃
  • Breast milk contains around 700 different types of microorganisms. 🍼
  • In 1975, a cat co-wrote a physics paper. 🐱
  • Summer lasts 42 years on Uranus. 🥵
  • Hurricanes can't make it to the equator. 🌀

#100 The typical human body holds enough DNA to go from the sun to Pluto and back 17 times. When uncoiled, DNA molecules of this size range in length from 1.7 to 8.5 cm, with an average length of 5 cm. The human body has around 37 trillion cells, which is sufficient for 17 Pluto round-trips.

#99 Sharks have existed for as long as trees have existed. Sharks have been around for around 450 million years, whereas the first tree lived approximately 350 million years ago. Sharks are not only older than trees, but they are also one of the only animals to have survived four of the five mass extinctions — an impressive feat.

#98 In space, it is impossible to burp. Gravity drags liquids and solids to the bottom of our digestive tracts on Earth, while gases remain at the top and are driven back up the esophagus as a burp. Because the gas cannot separate from the liquids and particles in the absence of gravity, burping effectively becomes puke.

#97 Razor blades can be dissolved by the human stomach. Scientists discovered that the "thickened back of a single-edged blade" disintegrated after two hours of immersion in stomach acid in a research published in the journal Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Your stomach would digest itself if it did not have a mucus coating.

#96 The ocean, not the Amazon, produces the majority of the world's oxygen. Have you ever thought about where oxygen originates from? While a rainforest might very well be your first thought, Well its actual plankton, seaweed, and other photosynthesizers create more than half of the world's oxygen.

#95 According to Carolyn Bohach, a microbiologist at the University of Idaho, the typical human body has 10 times more bacterial cells than human cells. Don't worry, the majority of these germs are beneficial. In fact, we wouldn't be able to exist without them.

#94 You can't taste food if you don't have saliva. To have flavor, molecules from food must first dissolve in saliva, after which they can only be recognized by receptors on taste buds.

#93 A cloud may weigh up to one million pounds. According to the USGS, the typical cumulus cloud may weigh up to a million pounds. That's roughly the weight of the world's biggest airplane when fully loaded with goods and passengers.

#92 The air in a typical-sized room weighs around 100 pounds. Air is a gas, yet it is a combination of several distinct types of gases. The majority of the air, however, is composed of the gases nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide.

#91 Diamonds can fall from the sky on other planets. According to American scientists, the atmospheres of Neptune, Uranus, and Saturn contain such tremendous pressure that they may crystallize carbon atoms and transform them into diamonds.

#90 Coldwater warms up quicker than hot water, while hot water freezes faster than cold water. The Mpemba effect is a counter-intuitive phenomenon. The phenomenon is named after Tanzanian student Erasto Mpemba, who claimed in his science class in the 1960s that heating ice cream before freezing made it freeze quicker.

#89 When tickled, rats have the ability to "laugh." A National Geographic film shows rats responding positively to tickling and even chasing after the researcher's hand in a fun way.

#88 You've probably heard that there are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand on Earth. But the most remarkable fact is that a single grain of sand has more atoms than the entire planet. It just goes to show how insignificant they are.

#87 There are 50,000,000,000 galaxies in the known cosmos. A typical galaxy has between 100,000,000,000 and 1,000,000,000,000 stars. There might be 100 billion Earth-like planets in the Milky Way alone.

#86 Bananas contain radioactive elements! Bananas contain potassium, and because potassium decays, the yellow fruit becomes somewhat radioactive. —- But don't worry, eating 10 million of them wouldn't kill you from radiation exposure.

#85 Potatoes have two more chromosomes than humans. Chromosomes are DNA structures located within a cell's nucleus. Potatoes contain 48 chromosomes, which is two more than the 46 chromosomes found in humans. The agrodiaetus butterfly has the most chromosomes, at 268.

#84 Plastic has the ability to acquire a vanilla flavor. According to a 2021 study published in the journal Green Chemistry, researchers used genetically engineered microorganisms to transform plastic bottles into vanilla-flavored beverages. But don't hold your breath for ice cream flavored with plastic bottles any time soon: This study only determined the possibility of this conversion, not whether or not it is safe for human consumption.

#83 Water is capable of both boiling and freezing at the same moment. This is known as the triple boil or triple point, and it is the temperature and pressure at which materials exist as a gas, a liquid, and a solid all at the same time. The water reaches its triple point at 0.006 atm pressure and just above freezing temperature (0.1 degree Celsius).

#81  The number of trees on Earth outnumbers the stars in our galaxy. According to NASA, the Milky Way galaxy contains 100 billion to 400 billion stars, whereas Earth has around 3.04 trillion trees! —- However, it is insufficient at the current pace of carbon emissions. 

#80  We don't know what the vast majority of the universe looks like. According to, dark matter and dark energy account for around 96 percent of the universe and are invisible to humans. These dark matter particles have no interactions with either matter or light.

#79  Opiorphin, a painkiller six times more strong than morphine, is found in human saliva. To avoid a rapid breakdown in the stomach and limited blood-brain barrier penetration, opiorphin therapeutic application in humans would involve modifying the molecule.

#78 An egg resembles a wild jellyfish underwater. On land, a smashed egg would make a great mess, but 18 meters below the ocean's surface, the pressure on the egg is 2.8 times that of air pressure, and it holds everything inside an invisible eggshell.

#77 Most viruses do not cause illness in bats! Coronaviruses, of course, are among them. Bats may, of course, acquire and transmit viruses, as per a European Commission-funded study, bats also have a variety of anti-viral genes that keep them safe. Rabies is an exception; it only kills a small percentage of them.

#76 Humans have the ability to produce venom. According to a paper published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, all reptiles and mammals have the potential and tools we require, and it is up to evolution to bring us there.

#75 The world has been existing for around four to five billion years, and the remarkable thing is that humans have only existed for about 0.1 - 0.2 percent of that period!

#74 It would take precisely 42 minutes and 12 seconds to get to the opposite side if you built a straight tunnel through the Earth and jumped in. Unless you're apprehended, you'll return the way you came and start all over again. In our optimal scenario, this will go on eternally, like a pendulum!

#73 Human skin totally replaces itself 900 times in a lifetime. Although it is not as visible as many other systems in the body, the skin is the greatest organ system that helps keep the body in control.

#72 You were once one of the world's youngest human! —- Every second, it changes. For example, someone born today holds the record—no, wait, someone else—ooh, now it's another just born baby, see? About 500 and over babies are born every second!

#71 If you drove your automobile to space, it would take you around an hour to get there. The Kármán line, which is frequently shown as the border between Earth's atmosphere and outer space, is located around 62 miles above sea level. This means that if you could drive straight up at 60 mph, you'd reach outer space in just over an hour.

#70 Lava can move as quickly as a sprinting greyhound, and the greyhound is the world's fastest dog! On 10 January 1977, Nyiragongo in the Democratic Republic of the Congo erupted, resulting in the fastest lava flow ever recorded. The lava, which erupted from fissures on the volcano's slope, reached speeds of up to 40 miles per hour, whereas Greyhound buses can reach speeds of up to 45 miles per hour.

#69 A red blood cell travels across the body in only 20 seconds. This is astonishing given that 20–30 trillion red blood cells (almost half the volume of blood) make up around 84 percent of the cells in the human body, and our body produces roughly two million of them every second!

#68 Lasers can become entangled in a waterfall. Oh my goodness, absolutely. This is not only an amazing example of total internal reflection, but it also demonstrates how fiber optic cables function to guide the flow of light.

#67 When a black hole consumes a star, this is what happens. "When the star is ripped apart by the black hole's gravitational forces, some of the star's remains fall into the black hole, while the remainder is ejected at great speeds," explains Suvi Gezari, a researcher at Johns Hopkins University.

#66 You CAN see without glasses. According to MinutePhysics, all you have to do is construct a pinhole with your palm to focus the light entering your retina. It won't give you 20/20 vision, but it'll get you by if you've forgotten your glasses at home.

#65 This is how a face forms in the womb. Researchers have been able to map out how the embryo folds in the womb to produce the structures of the human face. We could sit here and watch this all day.

#64 A single solar flare may produce the energy equivalent of millions of 100-megaton atomic bombs. And they occur on a regular basis. Flares occur at a frequency that corresponds to the Sun's 22-year cycle. The next peak will take place between November 2024 and March 2026.

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