Space is amazing! There are trillions upon trillions of stars in the billions and billion galaxies. Who knows what's beyond....!

A beautiful mesmerising sight of  space
Every child's Fantasy land, The space

Well here are 5 facts that are weird enough to make people think "Huh, they really spent time studying that!" but digestible enough to generate only minor levels of cringe at the dinner table. Well, most of them, anyway.

So, here we go...

1. Is there any difference?

"There is no difference between living and Non-living things!" 

you may say, living things breathe, reproduce and stuff, and non - living things don’t do that right? 

Well, if you look deeper, deeper to the atomic level you will realize that we are made of the same stuff "Atoms".

we all are made of stardust

So, what makes living things living? 

Chemical reactions. Lots and lots of chemical reactions in real-time is what makes a collection of atoms seem ‘living’ or life-like.

Einstein's theory

2.Good ol' Einstein’s relativity. 

But the fact is, We wrongly believe that time passes at the same ‘rate’ for everyone. 

For example, 

when one year has passed for you, one year has also passed for me and the rest of the universe right? You are Wrong. 

Go google it!

3. DARK Stars (BlackHoles). 

Black hole fact captioned

If you somehow managed to enter a Blackhole,

  1.  One version of you, which enters the black hole, (and goes outside our universe)
  2.  Another version of you, which never enters the black hole (and stays inside our universe). And one person can only see one version of you. 
  3. AND ITS Awessssome!

4. The Ancient Race 

Some astronomers suspect there was an early race between all the gas giants (Jupiter) to become the


Saturn with its moons detailed

Jupiter was the closest to becoming a star but never quite made the cut. 

Fortunately for us, Jupiter found a new job: 

Cosmic Defender of Planet Earth

Due to Jupiter’s size, its gravity is strong enough to sling comets out of the solar system before they even get a chance to reach Earth.

If it wasn’t for Jupiter, there would be a lot more asteroid collisions on Earth, and Jupiter has the scars to prove it! 

5.  String Theory

 First, what is string theory?

As always No boring lectures but here is the simplest explanation I can come up with.

Violin strings
Photo by Jessica Lewis from Pexels

For Example, In a violin, different vibrations produce different notes, likewise according to string theory when 'strings'( filament of energy ) vibrates they make different particles. 

One vibration in some frequency produces electrons and in other produces protons. 

The vibrations are dependent upon the dimensions of the space(the fabric of space ) in which vibrations are carried out.

So string theory put all forces of nature's under the rubric of ‘Vibrating strings’ and thus providing a ‘Theory of everything’ literally everything.'

Now it is your turn! Tell me some of your favorite weird science facts (of old or new days) in any field you enjoy exploring the most! 

If you have some weird science facts from physics, chemistry, or even astrophysics, let them all out in the comment section!

----Before you move on here is a quick #fact ----


Da Vinci invented the scissors!


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