• In Japan, Ronald McDonald is called Donald McDonald due to a lack of a clear "r" sound in Japanese.
  • According to Citrix, the survey says that 51% of people think stormy weather affects cloud computing. The survey makes with 1000 people and the other 95% of people say that they never used cloud computing even they daily use online shopping, net banking, and other cloud computing things.
  • If you have a pizza with radius Z and thickness A, its volume is = Pi*Z*Z*A

A piece of pizza in a plate

  • Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words.
  • In Spanish, the word "esposas" means both "wives" and "handcuffs."
  • Every human being starts out as an asshole: it's the first part of the body to form in the womb.
  • In 2011, a woman bought a "non-visible" piece of art for $10,000.
  • You can change your language on Facebook to "Pirate." look at this picture.

Voofacts - facebook page
Check out our official FB page @voofacts
  • The word "school" comes from the ancient Greek for "free time."
  • The CIA reads up to 5 million tweets a day.
  • The area where military personnel socializes and eat is called a "mess".
  • A man named Moondyne Joe escaped prison so many times, that police built a special cell for him, from which he escaped as well.
  • Benjamin Franklin wrote "Fart Proudly", a scientific essay about farts. 
Fart Proudly Essay by Benjamin Franklin

  • The second-largest lake in Bolivia is called Lake Poopo. It's not a freshwater lake.
  • The most overdue library book was returned 288 years late.
  • Over 80,000 people graduated from McDonald's Hamburger University with a bachelor's degree in hamburgerology.
  • Viruses can get viruses.
  • The word 'censorship' is censored in China.
  • In 2014, a pair of underpants donated by the mayor of Brussels was stolen from the Brussels Underpants Museum.
  • On her 120th birthday, the oldest person ever recorded said: "I only have one wrinkle and I'm sitting on it."

A lizard in a bark

  • A "butt" was a Medieval unit of measure for wine.
  • In Japan, during the Edo period, there were popular art scrolls created. They called it " Divine Wind " or " Fart Battles". 
  • Papaphobia is the fear of the Pope.
  • There's a lizard known as Jesus Christ Lizard due to its ability to run on the water.

Fart battle
Divine wind or Fart battle scroll

  • In Greek mythology, it was believed that redheads turn into vampires when they die.
  • 1 In 4 Americans thinks the Sun goes around the Earth.
  • Potatoes have more chromosomes than humans.
  • Venus rotates so slowly on its axis that its day is longer than its year.
  • 7% of religious Americans pray to God about finding a good parking spot.


  • The more features your phone has, the longer you spend in the toilet.
  • The movie Gravity was more expensive than the Indian Mars mission.
  • Fart comes out at a speed of 7 mph. if someone fart, We can't smell them for 10-15 Seconds because of the fart comes out with varying velocity.
  • There's a species of fish called "Slippery Dick". wait... really!

Fact - "You were born closer to the moon landing than to invention of nintendo wii!"

Have a Fun Day:)


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