rites funéraires égypte antique
Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pexels

Everyone knows “Germany started world war 2" right?


Nearly everything that most people think they know about history is false.

Britain declared war on Germany in September 1939, not the other way round.

So no, Germany did not start the war (not against Britain anyway; obviously they invaded Poland, but so did the USSR and we didn't declare war on them).

Britain stood alone against the Nazis in 1940”. No. No, it didn't. This is another false claim.

Britain declares war--Daily Mail Aug 5, 1914

So no, Britain wasn't standing alone. That's complete bollocks. The reality was the British Empire was the strongest power in the world at the time.

I've picked these examples from WW2, but I could have just as easily done the same with examples from just about anywhere.

According to Dutch, 

Dutch never colonized Indonesia. They came to Indonesia to better the lives of locals by trading with locals. 
Dutch east indies map
Dutch East Indies Expansion

But Indonesians didn’t share that notion. To all Indonesians,

 Dutch brutally colonized them in the past, used dirty tricks during trading, invaded, and occupied the whole archipelago.

 If you go to schools in Indonesia, you will see in all local history books, it's all bad things about Dutch! I bet you'll never find that in Dutch school books.

For most Indonesians, local heroes in war of independence were nothing but scumbags according to the Dutch Government.

 Nearly everything in the popular narrative of history is either an oversimplification or just outright wrong. So history depends on whom you ask the history itself!

Take US and Iran conflict, For people in America, 

USA Iran Graphic Design

the US invaded Iraq in 2003 under the pretext to prevent that country to create nuclear bombs. 

While according to Iraqis, 

the US invaded Iraq to steal their oil reserves and all Iraqis believe this and this is how history will be taught in any school in Iraq.

To one side the history is all true but to another,  history is nothing but a set of lies. That’s how my view on history.

History may often be inscrutable, but usually only in certain contexts.

 John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963. This is a historical fact, not open to interpretation or opinion.

But, it is pretty darn clear that Lee Harvey Oswald fired the deadly shots, but let’s just say for the sake of this argument that there is still "some doubt".

commemorative plaque
commemorative plaque

And who ultimately responsible for it (Mafia, CIA, Russia, etc.) may still be even less certain. The fact is that he’s dead and was killed on a specific day in history. How a person deals with uncertainty will determine how they feel about the peripherals.

Lastly, when it comes to ancient history, I think that writing is closer to fantasizing than actual science. There is simply no way to accurately tell what happened thousands of years ago, so when I read stuff like "60 billion years ago people used sticks to dig the ground ", I simply laugh.

History is always written by the winners. When two cultures clash, the loser is obliterated, and the winner writes the history books—books which glorify their own cause and disparage the conquered foe. As Napoleon once said, 'What is history, but a fable agreed upon? '”

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